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Student life

Published on April 19, 2023

Hey, I just wanna say thanks first for coming along and reading my posts. I truly appreciate your time and interest in my blog. Today, I want to talk about my own personal life as a student in Cambridge. Disclaimer – in this life not everything turns out as expected. Maybe what's best is kept for us in hereafter...

I'm 19, and my 'independent' life started when I was 17 and flew to the UK alone. Not only I was feeling myself afraid of upcoming twelve-hour solo journey, but also I was pretty much overthinking of leaving my family behind. Taking all the risks, I managed to get on a shuttle bus that took me from airport to Cambridge. Journey lasted 3 hours and there were couple stops until the destination. I was panicking at the time, and asking the driver if it's Cambridge yet every now and then, however it was another airport - Stansted, 😂. Finally, it was the time to get off the bus. Here's comes up another problem: no internet and no pre-planned route to my accomodation. I just started asking random people how I could get to my address. Very luckily, a man was walking by and he explained the directions. Seeing me not getting it well, he decided to walk me halfway to the address, because he had his business in a restaraunt, which was on the same route! What a luck! He helped me carrying my luggage. It was raining a little, and can you imagine me walking on the 'English' streets for the first time with lots of luggage in hand? 15 minute walk felt like 2 minutes, as the conversation with this man got along pretty well. He said he's a professor at University of Cambridge. I felt goose-bumps hearing that, as from my background knowledge that particular job requires tons of hard work and effort, and years and years of experience. When it was time to say goodbye, I got his Linkedin profile and continued my journey alone. This time another 10 minutes of walk felt like exactly 10 minutes. Maybe because I was alone?

Huh, now it's time to check in. Again, a really nice man – night security – helped me to settle in. He gave me the keys, and told me how to find my room. Clock is ticking 9 p.m. and it's really dark outside. For the first time ever in my life, I stepped through a journey from my house to a student dorm in another country in more than 12 hours. What a fun experience. Once I got to my flat, first person I met immediately, who also helped me opening the door for me, is my neighbour opposite. She was so kind, that despite the fact it's so dark and COVID stuff, she helped me with unpacking my stuff and getting ready for the next day. The following 10 days I was self-isolating and did the tests on arrival. Fortunately, I had both tests negative, and first week in my room was amazing. Since, I could not go outside, my unversity provided meals everyday for self-isolating overseas students. So basically I was getting free food everyday! At the time, I said to myself: "Wow, that's a lot better than I expected!". These people, from pilot to my neighbour and university staff, are my heros forever. None of them will be forgotten and there's a special place in my heart for them. They are the ones, that built up my inital adult-life-ish experience, they are the ones who helped, navigated and explained. Thank you!

After a week or two, I started missing my family. No, don't get me wrong, I was Facetiming them every single day, however seeing them alive next to myself was a different kind of experience. If your parents are with you, make sure you don't miss your valuable moments with them. Make them happy, say them that you love them, take them out for dinner. That's what I think what makes life – life.

My goals for going abroad were in a broad range spectrum, starting from 6-8 hour silent study sessions possibilties to gaining experience within British culture. I am extremely grateful for all the opportunities given to me. Since I am writing this post from my student dorm room, I can say I am quite lucky to have experienced what I have gone through in the last six months. I had a huge dispute with my previos accomodation team, where at the end one of the staff reported my to the police as if I assaulted him and put my arm to his throat. This was dismissed by the police, and of course with the help of my lovely solicitor M. I met her for the first time at the police station, and the talk began as if she was going to defend a criminal. Once I showed the footage of everything what happened on that day of argument in my previous accomodation room, where that guy intruded my room and did not want to leave, despite me asking him couple times, my solicitor decided that I have nothing bad to admit. This was confirmed by the police, and the case was dismissed. It's a long story, and I don't want you, my dear reader, get deep into that problem. I, myself, want to forget all the evil things and false allegations. What I want to say is, sometimes in life, there are times, when things go out of our control and all you gotta be is a nice and kind person. However, don't let yourself down, if someone falsely accuses you of something that you have not done. I wish not to meet people with that kind of character, and the only way to it, in my opinion, is to work on yourself towards being a nice and truthful person.

I think I have stepped over many moments, that happened before the story with false accusations. When I arrived, settled in and started my first-year at the university well, I invited my family to come and visit me. I can still recall all the moments we spent in here together. It's heart-touching seeing your beloved people after not seeing them a long time. Time goes by, they leave back home, I am alone again...

Once upon a day, I met a girl, who was walking with one of my friends near the place I lived. This was the start of another chapter in my life. I am grateful to have her. Although, it makes all the story really complicated, I wish not to disclose a lot of information in this post. I think I was happy. More than happy.

Now, I am alone again. And the new chapter begins...

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I am Nuriddin Islamov, Software Engineer and current CS student at Anglia Ruskin University based in Cambridge, UK.

In my blog I talk about technology updates and student life abroad. Get yourself prepared for book reviews as well.

I am experienced in both fundamental and advanced concepts of computer technologies. Up to day, I have developed more than a dozen of automated chat bots to help businesses grow, couple of websites with undeniable high-scored UX and I am still learning.

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